Asbestos Facts

Facts About Asbestos in Tasmania

0407 828 333

What Is Asbestos?

Asbestos is from the Greek language meaning unquenchable or inextinguishable. It is a set of six naturally occurring silicate minerals exploited commercially for their desirable physical properties, along with excellent durability, fire resistance and insulating properties. The inhalation of Asbestos fibres can cause serious illnesses with prolonged exposure to high concentrations of Asbestos fibres more likely to cause health problems. Asbestos in Australia became increasingly popular among manufacturers and builders between the 1940s and the early 1990s, with wide and varied applications across domestic, commercial and industrial sectors.

Types of Asbestos

Generally, Asbestos-containing materials can be categorised into two separate distinctions: non-friable and friable. Both of these types of Asbestos have differences which impact how they should be handled.

Checking for Asbestos

There is no set formula to identify how, where or when Asbestos-containing materials were used, therefore it is essential you consultant with our experienced specialists to provide the best advice and solutions relating to Asbestos identification, analysis, monitoring and removal.

Asbestos Differences

Non-friable Asbestos refers to Asbestos fibres firmly bound in a matrix of either cement, vinyl or another material. Friable Asbestos refers to Asbestos fibres loosely bound in products that can be easily crushed or pulverised by hand, releasing fibres into the atmosphere. In some instances, it is possible for non-friable products to become friable where the matrix of the non-friable product becomes unstable or breaks down releasing fibres.

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